
2012-05-16 00:00


MPLAB C Compiler for dsPIC DSCs 
Part Number: SW006013

The MPLAB® C Compiler for dsPIC DSCs is a full-featured ANSI compliant C compiler for the Microchip 16-bit devices: dsPIC30F and dsPIC33F. MPLAB C is a 32-bit Windows® console application as well as a fully integrated component of Microchip’s MPLAB Integrated Development Environment (IDE), allowing source level debugging with the MPLAB REAL ICE™ Emulator, MPLAB ICD 2 In-Circuit Debugger and MPLAB SIM Simulator.

  • ANSI compliant with standard, math, memory, data conversion and math libraries
  • Generates relocatable object modules for enhanced code reuse
  • Optimized to generate as much as 30% less code than other 16-bit MCU compilers
  • Strong support for in-line assembly when total control is absolutely necessary
  • Peripheral library for quick coding using Microchip device peripherals
  • Allows code and data to be located at absolute addresses
  • Supports advanced code size optimizations
  • Support for DSP accumulator registers from the C language
  • Support for DSP intrinsincs (functions) from the C language. DSP intrinsics map directly to native dsPIC assembly language instruction
  • Free unrestricted Evaluation Version of the C compiler

16-Bit Language Tools Libraries

Included in the download of the MPLAB compiler are support libraries including Standard C library, DSP Library and math functions in the Fixed Point Math Library and Floating Point Math Library.

DSP Library  

The Digital Signal Processing library provides a set of digital signal processing operations to a program targeted for execution on a dsPIC30F/33F digital signal controller (DSC). In total, 49 functions are supported by the DSP Library. It is part of the 16-bit Language Tools Libraries. More information can be found at the dsPIC DSC DSP Library page. Documentation for these libraries is provided in HTML Help files. Examples of use may also be provided. By default, the documentation is found in: C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPLAB C30\docs\dsp_lib.

Fixed Point Math Library

The I/Q Fixed Point Math Library provides a set of speed optimized functions for the most common digital signal processing applications. This library provides significant performance savings over equivalent functions coded in C and allows developers to dramatically shorten their development time. The I/Q math library provides mathematical functions useful in a variety of applications ranging from motor control, digital power control, digital signal processing and general purpose real-time control using fractional data types. The function formats provided in the library are in Q15 (1.15) and Q16 (15.16) representations. The I/Q math library includes over 65 general-purpose functions composed of twenty eight functions supporting Q15 math and thirty seven functions supporting Q16 math. The IQ math library includes a common library for dsPIC3x and PIC24 cores and an optimized library for dsPIC exclusively taking advantage of the native architectural features. The IQ math functions are callable from both ‘C’ and Assembly. Detailed information on this library can be found on the Fixed Point Math Library for PIC24H and dsPIC page.

Floating Point Math Library

The IEEE-754 Compliant Floating Point Math Library is the compiled version of the math library that is distributed with the highly optimized, ANSI-compliant MPLAB® C Compiler. It contains advanced single and double-precision floating-point arithmetic and trigonometric functions from the standard C header file <math.h>. The library delivers small program code size and data size, reduced cycles and high accuracy. Detailed information on this library can be found on the Floating Point Math Library for PIC24H and dsPIC page.

MPLAB C Evaluation Version

The Compiler Evaluation Version is free! It is full-featured for the first 60 days. After 60 days only optimization level 1 can be enabled in the compiler. The compiler will continue to function after 60 days, but code size may increase. There are no restrictions on the use of this C compiler (see license text for details).


Use this to upgrade a previous installation of MPLAB C Compiler. Upgrades may include tools (compiler, assembler, etc.), documentation, and device support files.

Device Update

Use this installer to add new and/or improved device support to a previous installation of the MPLAB C Compiler. Device support may include header files, linker scripts, and libraries, but will not include tools (compiler, assembler, etc.). Device updates are matched to a specific version but may be installed on top of any compiler with the same major version number. In these circumstances, build-time warning messages will remind you of the mismatched support files.

Special free versions for academic use are available here.

Archives and GCC Source Code

Earlier versions and source code archives are available here.

BETA Releases

BETA Releases are available here.

Instructions for installing and upgrading the MPLAB C Compiler for dsPIC DSCs are available here.